Topics to be Covered
Topic 01: Introduction to the Maker Revolution
Topic 02: Resources and How to Find Them
Topic 03: Getting Started with Processing
Topic 04: The Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller
Topic 06: Arduino Electronics Prototyping
Topic 07: DC, Servo and Stepper Motors
Topic 08: Arduino Control with Processing
Topic 09: Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Topic 10: 3D printing, laser cutting
Topic 11: Matlab: GUI Programming with GUIDE
Topic 12: Matlab: Working with Images
Topic 13: Matlab: Psychtoolbox
Topic 14: Matlab: Image Acquisition
Topic 15: Matlab: Real-time Image Processing
Topic 16: RS232 Serial Communication
Topic 17: Arduino control with Matlab
Topic 18: Putting it all Together